The data controller is:
Sebastiano Mosterts
Via Ronchetto,18
21020 Ranco (Va)
Amongst the personal data that we collect there are the IP address, your name and your email.
The IP address is used to elaborate statistic about our website usage. An IP address may be used to identify you but we acquire it in anonymized mode (i.e. some part of it is stripped) which prevent any identification.
We receive your name and email in case of contact and anyway we don’t store it anywhere.
In any case, we don’t sell or give away any personal data and we will never do.
The Data Controller adopts all the necessary security measures to prevent access and disclosure of personal data.
The data processing is done by information systems of KEPOS SER which is also the Data Processing Responsible. You can contact them via ordinary mail writing to Privacy Office, KEPOS SRL, Via Malavolti 31, 41122 Modena, Italy. Or via email at
Data are maintained on technical infrastructures inside the EU and they are canceled when no more necessary.
We use very few cookies and only of technical nature. We don’t use profiling cookies or any other kind of cookie to gather personal or commercial preferences for marketing purposes.
We may also use cookies of third parts, for example when you click the buttons to share come contents via social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.). In these cases we invite you to check their respective Privacy Policies.
You have the right to be informed about the use of your personal data, and to ask to rectify, update or complete it. You can also ask to delete them or to deny its use in case of legitimate reason.